We've made a shrine for Pickles, who passed away Monday, July 19 around 9:30 AM. It's in our front garden and has some memorabilia on it. This is a night shot. On the top is the log book of how much he was drinking and his weekly pill box. The slips of paper were left over from the Easter Bunny Nuke to remind folks not to let him have chocolate; one says "Totally Unrepentant" and the other says "Relentless Scavenger." A third one, not shown, said "Chocolate is bad for dogs."
Pickles liked to eat cherry pits and dog treats, so we put some down in front of his pictures. I also included two Anubis figurines from the MET. Down below where you can't see them are some more flowers, his dog leash, and the owl-shaped champagne bucket that we used as a doggy bag dispenser.
We might tone down the shrine for the wedding. Or not. I know it made me (John) feel better building it, but it sometimes strikes me as a prop from the over-the-top canine comedy Best In Show.
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