The Event

Mark and John's event bulletin board.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Wedding Dreams

It's true.

I've been having wedding anxiety nightmares. They usually involve
locomotives. And vampires.

- John

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At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I prefer the vampires over the centipedes. At least the vampires never bit me.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger John said...

The dream had been going on for some time and involved a two-state Egypt, pyramids, a flooding Nile, and lots of running away from angry natives.

I could fly, but it wasnt' safe for me to do so because it would draw too much attention to myself. So the group of people I was with decided that I needed a disguise.

For some reason we decided that it would be best to hide in a large hall that was having a celebration. It was decided that I had to hide in a six foot long, three foot high, two foot wide, cardboard model of a cathedral. The less conspicous people in the group carried it (with me in it) in on their shoulders.

As I was laying in the box I discovered two things; it was difficult to move in the narrow box and the cut outs of the gothic arches and flying butress did absolutely nothing to hide me from the hostile natives partying in the room.

I burst out of the flimsy cardboard and I think I was going to fly away when the alarm clock went off.


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