Somebody has asked, "In your instructions you say the banners should be two feet wide. Is this the banner fabric width, or can the dowels stick out a bit?"
The short answer is, "Yes, the total width of the banner and hardware may extend a bit. There will be no banner police armed with tape measures."
Originally the procession route was going to go between the houses. Anything much wider than two feet wouuld be difficult to fit without people getting stuck. Sometime in June we changed the route to go through the back garden gate, which is much wider.
This does bring up another point. Any banner much more than four or five feet will have a difficult time getting through the garden gate without risking getting snagged on Very Sharp Briars.
This is going to be a lot of fun.
- John
John Burridge (via palm)
Respice, adspice, prospice.
Some folks have been wondering about banners. Here's a very fancy example of a banner that you could make.
Unless you are channelling your inner Martha Stewart, we wouldn't expect such a time-consuming banner. Something a little less fancy could look like this:
and there are even more ideas for banner shapes at
Have fun.
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